CHEVROLET CORVETTE 2014/11/22 X1003024
When I started a karate training last night, I had a headache. I thought I was sick, but I gradually felt better. The end of the training I was fine.

Esta noche cuando empecé entrenamiento de karate yo tuve dolor de cabeza. Pero gradualmente me sentí mejor y a la fin del entrenamiento estuve muy bien.


NISSAN PAO 21/11/2014

日産パオ 2014/11/21 X1003097
This is Nissan Pao. It looks like an old Renault, doesn’t it? I like it very much. When I was a high school student, one of my classmates ordered it. She told me that she had to wait for a year to get it because it was very popular therefore in great demand. I haven’t ever met her since we graduated from high school. It would be nice if she still drove the PAO.

Este es Nissan PAO. Lo Parece un renault viejo, no? Me gusta mucho. Cuando fui en instituto una compañera lo compró. Ella me dije que tuvó que lo esperar por un año. Porque fue un car muy popular y tuvo mucha demanda.



BISTRO PUB 2014/11/19 X1003044
It’s been 3 years and 7 months since we’ve moved to Ginza. So I tend to have lunch at the same restaurants. I thought I needed a change so after having lunch I went to look for some good restaurants with my work mate. We found some in an area a bit far from the office. We’re going to check one of them next week.

Hace tres años y siete meses que trabajo en Ginza. Me tiendo a tomar el almuerzo en los mismos restaurantes. Pensé que necesito cambiar por eso después del almuerzo fui a buscar algún restaurante bueno con mi colega. En la zona que está un poco lejos de oficina les encontramos unos restaurantes. iremos allí la semana próxima.


DUCATI 19/11/2014

I met a friend of mine, Chris from Canada in Shibuya, Tokyo, tonight. It was the first time for me to meet him in half and 3 years. He took some photos of people passing by. Every time he asked them a permission to take their photos politely. They looked very happy and one of them, an old man told us he wanted to buy some drinks for us.

Le vi a amigo de mía Chris de Canada en Shibuya, Tokyo esta noche. Hace tres años y media que nos vimos la vez anterior. Sacó unas fotos de gente allí. Siempre se pide permiso para sacar fotos de ellos. Ellos parecieron feliz.