
うちのバイト君にプログラミングを教えているこのごろ。Flickr APIを使って友達の結婚式の写真をかっこ良く表示したいとか夢見る男。ネットでFlickrの写真を表示するサンプルを拾ってきてあれこれとやっていて良い線行っていたが壁にぶち当たってどうにもならなそう。なんでもかんでも一人で出来るやつもいるがそーゆータイプではなさそうなのでちょこちょこ救いの手を差し伸べる優しい俺。


Flash4とか5の頃のFlashアニメーターでJoe Sparksって人のありがたい言葉。



“JOE! I want to do something! How do I get started?”
This is a very frequent question. People ask me how to get started, how to get something going, where to begin, what to do, etc. The best advice: DO SOMETHING SIMPLE & QUICK, and PUT IT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE.
Start small. Whatever it is, it could be Flash or Director/Shockwave, a comic or simply an essay on your life.. just do something small to get started, something within your reach to do. Then get it up on the web.
Many people, myself included, stumble by trying to do something too big or too complicated. Or they never get started at all because what they want to do seems so enormous a task, it becomes overwhelming, & they can never find time to do it in the first place. Just learning the tools can seem too much for a lifetime of study.
Forget about learning the tools first! Learn while you are working! Start small & simple! Do something within your reach. You will learn so much! Then do it again. This was much more difficult a few years ago, but with today’s computers, software, & the web, it has never been easier to create and share your work with others. You will create new opportunities for yourself if you just do it now.

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