STARBUCKS KYOTO 2015/02/10 X1003462
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
After the karate class, I went out for drinking with my teachers and fellow students. Since I don’t drink Alcohol, I had ginger ale a lot as usual. The bar was very busy, so we had to wait for our foods to be served. When we were preparing to leave, they served french fries and pieces of fried chicken. Anyway, we ate them up.

Después del entrenamiento de karate, fui a beber con mis maestros y compañeros. Porque yo no bebo alcohólica bebí ginger-ale mucho. El bar estaba ocupando, tuvimos que esperar para comidas. Cuando estabamos preparando para salir, sirvieron pollo fritos y patas fritas.


Coffee, Almond Muffin and X100S

Coffee, Almond Muffin and X100S 2015/02/08 XE103632
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
I went to Yurakucho, Tokyo to buy coffee beans, today. A coffee roaster and distributor, “MokaJava” comes to sell their coffee on weekends, there and I like their coffee. I also bought 2 almond muffins for my wife and me and a chocolate muffin for my son.

Fui a Yurakucho, Tokyo a comprar granos de café hoy. En las fin de semanas un tostador y distribuidor de cafè, “MOKAJAVA” viene a vender granos de café allí y me lo gusta sus café mucho. Hoy también compré dos muffins de almendras para mí y mi esposa y muffin chocolate para mi hijo.

FUJIFILM X-E1 + XF35mm F1.4 R


MOOMIN 2013/03/02 OMD25606
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
I like Moomin. I’ve read all Moomin novels in both Japanese and English. It took 10 years for me to finish reading my first English novel, “Moomin Summer Madness” because I couldn´t read English when I bought it in 1990.

Me gustan los Moomin. He leído todas las novelas del Moomin en ambos japones y inglés. No pude leer inglés cuando compré mi primera novela del Moomin en 1990. Por eso tardó 10 años en acabar de leer la novela.