*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
I found this Lamborghini Gallardo when I was walking towards the restaurant for lunch with my colleague, today. It is rare to see it on weekdays, let alone rainy day.
Hoy cuando estuve caminando hacia el restaurante para el almuerzo con mi colega encontré este Lamborghini Gallardo. Es raro a verlo entre semana, y menos aún cuando llueve.
Tag: gallardo
Lamborghini Gallardo 03/02/2015
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
I heard the very sad news that Japan Football Association fired Javier Aguirre, today. I’m not saying that I’m a big football fan, but I like him very much because whenever Japan football national team had a match, I could listen to his interview in Spanish. (Anyway, I couldn’t understand what he says) I hope JFA choose a new one from Spanish speaking countries.
He oìdo la triste noticia. Javier Aguirre cesado como técnico de Japón. Aunque no puedo comprender que él dije, siempre me gusta su entrevista en español.