HONDA GYRO-X 06/02/2015

HONDA GYRO-X 2015/02/05 X1003674
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
I met Jame and Amber, tonight. This was the third time for me to see him and was the first time to see her. We had dinner in a Japanese restaurant and had some coffee at an Italian café in Ginza. Then we went to Shibuya to see the statue of Hachico(dog).

Ví James y Amber quien vinieron de California hoy. Este fue la tercera vez que lo ví pero fue la primera vez que la ví. En Ginza cenamos en la restaurante japones y tuvimos café en la cafetería italiano. Después fumimos a Shibuya por ver la estatua de Hachiko(perro).


Vespa 26/11/2014

Vespa 2014/11/19 X1003045
I write this blog in Spanish every day. So I supposed to learn some new grammars and words, but I don’t. Because I’m too busy for updating this blog to learn something new about Spanish. Since words conjugation in Spanish is much more complicated than in English. I need to write them down or type them to memorize. Tonight, I drop by Starbucks for a cappuccino and studied Spanish there.

Todos los días escribo este blog. Me quiero recordar algun frases y palabras nuevas pero no puedo. Porque tardo mucho en escribir el blog.Esta noche fui a cafetera para café y estudiar español sin escribir el blog.