Sugar Glider

BIKE 2015/02/12 X1003706
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
I always go out for lunch with 2 colleagues. One of them learns English from a beautiful german woman. He told me that the teacher wanted a sugar glider as a pet. I didn’t know that we could buy it.

Usualmente tomo el almuerzo con dos compañeros. Uno de ellos aprenda inglés con una alemána guapa. Hoy él nos dijó que la maestra quería un petauro del azúcar como animal doméstico. No supe que pudimos comprar un petauro del azúcar.


Jaguar XJ-S

Jaguar XJ-S 2015/02/10 GR140296
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
I have a bootleg live CD of Ozzy Osbourne and Randy Rhoads which I bought about 20 years ago. It was recorded on January 24, 1982. I’d never thought what “Rosemont Horizon” means. Today, I googled it and found out that it was the name of the arena where the Live was performed.

Tengo un CD pirata de Ozzy Osbourne del concierto en enero 24 1982. Se llama “Rosemont Horizon”. No conocí del significado de “Rosemont Horizon”. Por eso yo lo busqúe en el internet. Es el nombre del lugar donde interpretaron el concierto.



STARBUCKS KYOTO 2015/02/10 X1003462
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
After the karate class, I went out for drinking with my teachers and fellow students. Since I don’t drink Alcohol, I had ginger ale a lot as usual. The bar was very busy, so we had to wait for our foods to be served. When we were preparing to leave, they served french fries and pieces of fried chicken. Anyway, we ate them up.

Después del entrenamiento de karate, fui a beber con mis maestros y compañeros. Porque yo no bebo alcohólica bebí ginger-ale mucho. El bar estaba ocupando, tuvimos que esperar para comidas. Cuando estabamos preparando para salir, sirvieron pollo fritos y patas fritas.



LAND ROVER DEFENDER 2015/01/02 X1003508
*日本語で読む / Read Japanese version
Believe it or not, I bring my Spanish textbook to the bathroom and read it in the bathtub, every day. Since I don’t have to waste my time washing my hair, I have plenty of time to do it.

No lo puedes creer, pero todos los días traigo mi libro de texto español al cuarto de baño y lo leo en la bañera. Porque yo no necesito lavar el pelo, tengo tiempo para estudiar allí.